children/ September 26, 2012 B Sisters | Family & Children Photographer, Flora Illinois Thanks to these two little girls, I had the Bubble Guppies theme song stuck in my head all weekend!! Aren’t they just adorable? […]
Uncategorized/ September 26, 2012 What’s for dinner? | Julie Pottorff Photography, Flora Illinois This question always cracks me up, because I always have the same WONDERFUL answer: whatever my husband is making. That’s right, ladies and […]
children/ August 25, 2012 Baby E | Newborn Photographer Julie Pottorff Photography Flora, Illinois This sweet little girl is absolutely precious!! She is such a joy to be around and has the cutest, most kissable cheeks (ahem, […]
Uncategorized/ August 14, 2012 Love | Julie Pottorff Photography, Children, Southern IL Like many other photographers, I started out taking pictures of my kids. Up until the launch of my photography business, I had my […]